Post by gr8merlin on Jul 27, 2013 21:55:16 GMT -5
When I look at other players for some it shows their level and others it shows their skill point total.... Whats the difference between the two? (Not whats dif between skill points and level, but whats the dif between the two being displayed?)
Post by Nytherinz on Jul 28, 2013 11:12:15 GMT -5
Well, when you set your weapons to be sheathed, like when you are wielding a shield and it automatically goes on your back unless you are in combat, when people right click you it would show your total level because you aren't in combat mode. However, if you unsheathe, and your shield hangs by your side, then your combat level is shown.
Post by gr8merlin on Jul 28, 2013 14:06:46 GMT -5
Thank you!