Post by Zigorkhan on Sept 16, 2008 6:49:11 GMT -5
Yes... Stupid CFL creators... They built a time machine, traveled into the future... Found out about the NFL... then traveled back in time, to create the Canadian Rugby Football Union ... Those Time-Traveling Bastards... I hear later they stole Abraham Lincoln's gold too...
Post by Sir Cromy on Sept 16, 2008 9:08:03 GMT -5
Those dirty time traveling gold diggers!!!! Though it would have made more since had you said Jefferson Davis's gold
Jedi Knight
back and on my way to greatness[rs:kali thug916][rs:kali thug916]
Posts: 635
Post by kali on Sept 16, 2008 23:27:56 GMT -5
LMAO YEAH UM SIR ZIG..... I DONT THINK I KNOW WHO THE ROUGH RIDERS ARE BUT I DO KNOW THEY ARE FROM THE CFL(CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE) ANYWAYS SORRY I WAS TALKING ABOUT NFL..... Yeah I know... I was lampooning the fact that you started this topic with "Football: Favorite Team?" and I open it and was shocked to see only NFL teams... I have no favorite NFL team... Mainly cause I don't watch it... yeah im not worried about that ill change the subject idk any cfl teams
Jedi Knight
back and on my way to greatness[rs:kali thug916][rs:kali thug916]
Posts: 635
Post by kali on Sept 21, 2008 18:40:57 GMT -5
zig could you take this post of my post count plz but i have to know who else voted for the oakland raiders they might have to become a really good friend with me lolz jk but i have to know